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Rubbermac: the best service and quality for client satisfaction.

Discover how the partnership of two companies is giving life to new experiences and ideas in the shoe market.

Much more than just a sole.

We want to offer something extra to our customers: our goal is to bring extremely functional solutions to the each specific need.

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Choose the best compound and the latest technologies for your rubber sole.

To each need, its own compound. See how.

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We create soles that help customers to live a better, healthier and happier life.

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In Rubbermac we are convinced that a sustainable business creates value for the company.
Discover how we do it.

Rubbermac Srl – Via Gorizia 50 33050 Gonars Udine Italia – Piva e CF : 02726930304 – Capitale Sociale 50.000 euro – mail pec rubbermac.it@legalmail.it –  Iscritta al registro delle imprese di Treviso N.03397900261